誰的青春沒有遺憾,而我的遺憾和你們有關。莫醒醒(邱天 飾)的家庭因母親“見義勇為”去世后而破碎,此后,她不得不面對父親酗酒、同學排擠,并患上心理疾病。所幸,在“小太陽”米砂(包上恩 飾)和溫暖學長路理(黃明昊 飾)的陪伴下度過了一段美好愜意的青春時光。但少年人的心事總伴苦澀,自卑和敏感推開了愛與守護,逐漸理清的命運長線也暗示了這場青春的離散。故事的最后,是不是只有沙漏記得,我們遺忘的時光……
10.0 黏土人
2023 愛情簡介:Written by Ana?s Tellenne, the story revolves around the character of Rapha?l. Nearing sixty with a blind eye and an imposing physique, he’s well aware that people are afraid of him. He lives with his mother in a detached house located on a vast estate attached to the manor house of which he is the caretaker. He’s been leading a tranquil life since the owners passed away, but e... -
7.0 真愛小誤會
1.0 配對2
2.0 青春戀歌粵語
6.0 哥本哈根愛的故事
9.0 馬科斯·特里默的沉默